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ETCH Drop Folder - Automated with potential holds

April 15, 2021: ETCH Folder Update

Change: Trips that have "cleared" by having met the hold period (and not picked up by another FA) will now automatically be posted in the N.A.N.I & Cleared ETCH Tradeboard. 

Flight Attendants will no longer have to manually post it in the "Cleared ETCH" as it will automatically be removed from the ETCH folder and posted for you.



  • Seniority-based award at 1800 daily. Folder opens monthly on the 25th at noon. The first award is on the 26th@ 1800

  • Folder awards according to the seniority of the responding FA – in the order clicked first to last. keep this in mind when submitting multiple requests or when requesting to drop and pick up in the same award.

  • ETCH Hold Period is from 0600-1800. Submissions after 0600 roll over to the following day

  • IF YOUR TRIP WAS NOT AWARDED AFTER IT MET THE HOLD PERIOD, it will appear in “NANI & CLEARED ETCH FOLDER” since the restriction has been met. [Tip: edit your post in ETCH Drop adding the comment "Available in NANI Folder"  which allows for First Come, First Served processing]

  • Multiple submissions are not prioritized and should be considered equal. If you have a priority, submit only one request at a time.

  • Make sure you post your trip in the correct folder for the specified month

  • MULTIPLE TRIPS in a single request will be deleted or denied.

  • “RESERVING” or adding a person’s name in the text field will be deleted or denied.

  • LEAD/SERVICE pairings – May note in the comment section i.e. JL or JS, etc…

  • ETCH SEGMENT DROPS (SPLITS) – Add which segment in the comments section. Use the “SPLIT” Button when posting to select the leg you will be dropping.

  • REMOVING /CANCELING YOUR TRADBOARD POST: Step 1.Delete it from the Tradeboard Step 2. Go to “View Requests” and cancel any “Pending” requests. If it is marked as “Processing” you must contact Crew Scheduling for removal.

  • CANCEL YOUR REQUEST FOR A TRIP: You must log in to “View Requests” and if it is “Pending” you may cancel it using the cancel/hide button. If it is marked “Processing” you must contact Crew Scheduling for removal.






  • Click on the TRADEBOARD link in the DROP ONLY folder

  • Select the “POST A REQUEST” tab

  • Select DROP from the drop-down menu / Continue to follow the steps

  • To check on the status of your trip select the “View Requests” link

  • REMOVING YOUR TRADBOARD POST: Deleted it from the Tradeboard; Go to “View Requests” and cancel any “Pending” requests. If it is processing you must contact Crew Scheduling for removal.

  • Pairing Date Next Day: Please be advised that your trip must be posted prior to 0600. Contact for detailed instructions on how to process for the following day.

Moving trips from the ETCH Drop folder to the Cleared ETCH folder (09/24/2019)

Please note pairings should only be moved from the ETCH Drop folder to the Cleared ETCH Folder after the seniority award is processed for your trip. When you post your trip, you can see all the Flight Attendants that request it in the ETCH Drop folder. At 18:00 you will know how many FA's requested your trip. If you get an equal number of denials, you are then free to move the trip to the Cleared ETCH folder.


For example, if you have 10 FA's requesting your trip and you get 10 denials, you can move your trip over to the Cleared ETCH folder. If no Flight Attendants request your trip, you can move your trip over to the Cleared ETCH right after 18:00. Before doing this you must ensure it is no earlier than 18:00 and you are certain no Flight Attendants requested your trip.

We hope this will provide some clarity on how to maneuver from the ETCH Drop to the Cleared ETCH folder.

Crew Scheduling (09/24/2019)


(i) Sort requests for processing as follows:
(a) Drops (one-way Trades) in Seniority order, senior to junior, based on the seniority of the responder.
(b) Priority is based on the time FA submits. First one submitted is top priority.


This makes it difficult to drop and pick up in the same award. It is recommended to clear your schedule of any potential conflicts first.

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